
Bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world project management.

  • Provide students with access to project management resources and scholarships
  • Connect faculty with project management professionals to enhance classroom learning
  • Offer workshops and opportunities to develop practical project management skills
  • Foster student interest in project management careers
  • Highlight the value of project management skills across various academic disciplines

What is the Project Management Institute?

The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a professional organization dedicated to the furtherment of the project management as a career and expertise. It offers education and certification as part of its global organization. It is also supported by local chapters of volunteers, such as the Sacramento Valley Chapter, who support our local members with educational and networking offerings.

You can find more information about PMI and certification at pmi.org

Information about students memberships benefits and discounts are also available! Please see PMI Student Memberships for details.

Questions About Project Management?

Academic Outreach Committee

Melissa Harris, PMP

Melissa Harris, PMP

Director of Academic Outreach

Melissa Harris, PMP

Director of Academic Outreach

Melissa is the Director of Academic Outreach for the PMI-Sacramento Valley Chapter, where she is able to share her passion for project management with students and early career professionals. She is an active volunteer regularly speaking at colleges and universities about PMI certification. 

You can contact Melissa for presentations and questions about volunteering with PMI-SVC at melissa.harris@pmisvc.onmicrosoft.com

Journeys in Project Management

My very first project manager role was correcting a Notice of Violation for a wastewater pond. My supervisor asked what I knew about wastewater ponds, and I said nothing except knowing what wastewater is and that it has to be treated, and he said "Great, you're the project manager for fixing this violation." Lucky for me, the agency I was working for was embracing project management so I also was told I had to create a project charter and was sent to my first project management training for a few days. That assignment changed my life.

Melissa Harris, PMP

How I Became a Project Manager

I specialize in the planning phase of large infrastructure projects, specifically completing environmental compliance documentations.

Melissa Harris, PMP

Project Specialization

I love working with my teams to make big things possible. Creating processes with my teams to solve problems is my favorite part of my job.

Melissa Harris, PMP

Favorite Part of Being a Project Manager