What are Professional Development Units (PDUs)?

Professional Development Units (PDUs) are credits needed for renewal of the PMP certification.  The PMI Global website defines a PDU as, “PDU is the measuring unit used to quantify approved learning and professional service activities. Typically, one PDU is earned for every one hour spent in a planned, structured learning experience or activity. Fractions of PDUs may be reported in 0.25 increments following one full hour.”

The PMP® Continuing Certification Requirements Program (CCR) supports the ongoing professional development of Project Management Professionals (PMPs) and the maintenance of PMP certification.

The purpose of the Continuing Certification Requirements Program (CCR) Program is to:

  • Sustain the PMP as a global certification credential
  • Enhance the ongoing professional development of PMPs
  • Encourage and recognize individualized learning opportunities
  • Offer a standardized and objective mechanism for attaining and recording professional development activities.

PMPs must accrue a minimum of sixty (60) Professional Development Units (PDUs) every three years. The PDU Cycle begins the year of initial certification. PMPs must also comply with the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to maintain certification status.

PDU Reporting Process - How to report PDU(s)?

PDUs for PMI-SVC Chapter Sponsored Forums, Dinner Meetings and Other Events


How To Maintain Your Certification .

How Many PDUs Do I Need to Maintain My Certification?

Click Here for PDU Reporting Instructions

Contact Person:  VP - Professional Development

Email address:  vppd@pmi-svc.org

PDU Categories - How are PDUs earned?

An in-depth explanation of the PDU Categories can be found here. There are five categories of qualifying activities:

  • Category A: Courses offerred by PMI's R.E.Ps or Chapters and Communities
  • Category B: Continuing Education
  • Category C: Self-Directed Learning
  • Category D: Creating New Project Management Knowledge
  • Category E: Volunteer Service
  • Category F: Work as a Practitioner

You also earn PDUs for attending Monthly Dinner meetings, Breakfast Roundtable meetings, Conferences and Seminars under Category A.

PDUs for Volunteers (Category E)

  • You can earn PDUs as a volunteer on Chapter activities. Visit Volunteer Opportunities to learn more about open volunteer positions.

    The time you put in can also be custom fit for your needs. If you only have 30 minutes a week we can find a position that will fit your needs. If you are on a committee for one year, that equals 5 PDU units.

    Additional ways to earn PDUs: (1 per hour unless otherwise specified)

  • Provide project mgmt. related services to a community or charitable group
  • Committee member for PMI group
  • Write an article and submit to a non-refereed journal (Project Mgmt Journal) and it gets published
  • Speaker on project mgmt topic at a conference/workshop = 5 PDUs
  • Member or moderator at a PM panel discussion at a conference or workshop = 5 PDUs
  • Developer of content or a structured project mgmt learning program = 10 PDUs
  • Practitioner of project management services for more than 1500 hours per year = 5 PDUs per calendar year.