Volunteer in the Chapter

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Help the PMI-SVC Chapter and Your Career

PMI-SVC benefits from talented and knowledgeable members who volunteer for chapter activities such as dinner meetings, forums, breakfast roundtables, conferences and seminars, and project management training and education.

The success of the chapter and our ability to provide high quality activities is only achievable with the help of our members who volunteer.  Volunteering not only helps the chapter but it helps you meet people, become known, develop project management skills, enhance your resume, and earn PDUs.  Best of all, it's fun!

Open Volunteer Positions

We Welcome Your Help!

PDUs for Volunteers

The Chapter encourages all members to volunteer in the Sacramento Valley Chapter.  PMPs can obtain PDUs for their continuing certification requirements through these volunteer activities.

Activity PDU Rule or Restrictions Categories
Serving as an elected officer. 1 PDU for 1 hour of service and you must serve in the office for at least 3 months.  PDUs claimed in this category count against the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F. E
Serving as an appointed committee member. 1 PDU for 1 hour of service and you must serve on the committee for at least 3 months.  PDUs claimed in this category count against the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F. E
Serving as a speaker or instructor for project management related courses and presentations. 1 PDU for 1 hour of service. PDUs claimed in this category count against the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F. D
Serving as a moderator or SME for panel discussion. 1 PDU for 1 hour of service. PDUs claimed in this category count against the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F. D
Developer of content for a chapter seminar or other structured learning program. 1 PDU for 1 hour of service. PDUs claimed in this category count agains the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F. D
Providing project management-related volunteer services to PMI or another professional project management association.  This work must be done for legally recognized non-profit, not-for-profit or charitable or community groups and organizations.

1 PDU for 1 hour of service and you must serve in the office for at least 3 months.  PDUs claimed in this category count against the 45 PDU max in Categories D, E and F.  Activity must meet the definition of a project as outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). 


Documentation Required: Documentation requirements vary by category and can be referenced in the Project Management Professional (PMP) Handbook (pg. 37). Click HERE.